1600 years ago John Cassian wrote of the way of life of a group of monks who lived in the desert, known as the Desert Fathers. The only surviving part of his writings - available to the public, that is, we can't know what is secreted away in monasteries and private libraries - is called The Spirit of Gluttony.
In chapter six of this wonderful document is the statement of fact that the mind becomes drunk not by wine alone, but also from excess of any kind of food. Thus even too many tomatoes may exceed our digestive capacity and ferment.
Insufficient chewing or a combination of foods whose digestive enzymes have conflicting requirements to do their work can also lead to that tired feeling, a busy mind, loss of self control, and degradation.
Alcohol is the dark side of the human race. Even children or adults who have never had a drink are daily under the influence of mind altering substances that are created within. Moulds, yeast and fungi are always hungry for foods specific to their needs and send up images to the mind of what they want next.
Anybody who thinks they have their body to themself and that their thoughts are all their own is sorely mistaken. The reason a raw eater experiences such clarity of mind is because there are far fewer products of fermentation to cloud the view and distort the senses. Long term raw eating people report that the mind becomes altogether still, summoned only when needed.
In this way meditation is much like the straight jacket in a psychiatric ward. If we were living as our Creator intended, we wouldn't need it.
Makes you think, doesn't it?
Each word of the Spirit of Gluttony is perfect, but if you only read one chapter, go for chapter six. You can find the document here