Market Review

Saturday passed, and instead of shopping all day and chopping all night, we decided to heed our forebodings about the Hermanus Country Market and cast about a bit further afield to see if there is somewhere else where our worthy effort will find more fertile ground.

We went to Greyton, which is an idyllic little village that cancels out any desires one might have had to return to the Himalaya, walk on a golden beach or plug into city life. A very international little community of thinkers and feelers, poets, philosophers and people of mature outlook. Some may use the word "alternative" for this frame of mind. 

Greyton had a small market, intimate enough, and with a young farmer who only does it naturally and whose mother is Raw! This gentleman would readily supply our needs, even planting on request.

Then we drove all the way across to Stellenbosch. The market was extensive and extremely well attended by people with some spending power. Closer to the great international centre, Cape Town, closer to the hub. We met a lot of people and had a lot of conversations - the Afrikaaner with the herbs and sprouts, the raw chefs, Spades and Spoons, making incredible looking 'burgers and raw (but salted) crispy tortilla like breads. Incredibly nice and very very Capetonian flavour people. 

Then we came across a man serving raw chocolate sweetened with agave, so another awake human being on the planet. Nice. We even found a real Fruitarian (though they didn't know it) table, Essie-style, just whole, raw fruit in season, grouped in trays.

The only real salad buffet looked gorgeous but was not raw. Various cooked beans, couscous, rice and so on. These folk had such a popular following that after 3 years of being in the market they opened a full time restaurant, 4 years ago. Their salads looked GOOD and our salads look as good as theirs.

But the point of the market is not to make money, though covering our costs and remaining fed would be jolly nice. The point is information, education, revelation, even indoctrination. 

Our goal and Endgame is nothing less than the Return to Eden, the vision of Mrs Essie Honiball.